Should Puerto Rico have a US Congress sponsored referendum for Status resolution before 2012?

How many options should be ofered?

Puerto Rico Democracy Act - HR 2499

HR-2499 would authorize the Puerto Rican government to conduct a plebiscite instructing Puerto Ricans to choose whether they want to continue to have their current form of political status or a different political status.

If the majority votes to continue Puerto Rico’s current form of political status, the bill would authorize the Puerto Rican government to conduct a similar plebiscite every eight years.

If the majority votes in favor of a different political status, the bill would authorize the Puerto Rican government to conduct another plebiscite instructing Puerto Ricans to indicate whether they favor statehood, full independence or independence with a special political association with the United States.

The bill would authorize the Puerto Rico State Elections Commission to issue all rules and regulations necessary to carry out the plebiscites.

The bill would allow all eligible Puerto Rican voters and U.S. citizens born in Puerto Rico that meet the Puerto Rico State Elections Commission’s requirements (excluding residency) to vote in the plebiscites.

The bill would instruct the Puerto Rico State Elections Commission to certify the plebiscites’ results to the president, Senate and House of Representatives.

As amended by the House Natural Resources Committee, the bill would require Puerto Rico to pay all costs associated with the self-determination process and require that voting ballots be printed in both Spanish and English.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Status Discussion: HR 2499 Puerto Rico Democracy Act

This recently passed bill authored by Delegate Pedro Pierluisi and co-sponsored by 180 members, will establish a process for Puerto Ricans to select their political status.

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